Work with Jayne

In Person Healing

Work with me one-to-one at my practice in Amsterdam. In person and in depth. Get to the bottom of what is going on in your life through hands-on energy healing

Distant Healing

Very handy if you physically can’t get to my practice in Amsterdam. Great for support and recovery if you’re facing an operation

Energy healing courses

Learn energy healing, whether you’re a total beginner or a seasoned professional looking to extend your expertise

We all need a helping hand sometimes

Let’s face it. There are times when you need outside help. A fresh set of eyes. A different perspective. You’ve tried to sort it out yourself and gone round in so many circles that you’ve met yourself coming back.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone could just help you find out why you’re stuck? And then help you move on from there?

That’s where I come in.

Even though I’m a trained scientist, I’ve got a huge dollop of intuition and sensitivity. I also have hands that have eyes in them. Through them, I simply translate what your system wants to tell you – what you need to hear, just in case you haven’t been listening…

Then together we’ll start to move you out of your stuckness and do whatever it takes.

Do you want to….

Make an appointment with Jayne?

Or find out more about energy healing?

About Jayne

Trained as a research chemist and later as a neuroscientist, Jayne has been working as a healer and therapist for 20 years – and has the best job in the world!

A Yorkshire lass, from Leeds, she has a PhD in chemistry, an MSc (cum laude) in neuroscience and has worked in Paris, Lausanne, Rome and Ottawa before settling in Amsterdam. In addition to all her scientific qualifications, she also graduated cum laude from the four-year energy healing science degree at the Barbara Brennan School in Miami, Florida.

Her highly developed intuition and ability to tune into what is really going on with a client helps the person get to the bottom of their problem. She is a much sought-after teacher well-known for upbeat and dynamic lessons that are characterised by her great sense of humour.


Photo: Jan van Breda